Once I got close, about 20 minutes out, the butterflies took over my stomach. Serious nervousness set it. I had to keep reminding myself that I had done the hard part, now all I had to do was show up. But the nervousness had me wanting to puke. Obviously, it was unfounded, and getting into my new apartment was a breeze.
I drove down the street just in awe of how beautiful it is: so much green everywhere, and then covered by this brilliant blue sky. I was so happy to be here.
That sense of awe hasn’t left me yet. Every time I step outside, I thank God for the chance to be here, to be doing something fun and still worthwhile. I thank him for this beautiful creation of his and that I get to enjoy it every single day.
I’ve been to a few restaurants, to a beach on the bay, and for a walk along the bay. I’m going a lot of places alone, but the only thing different about that is that I’m going places. I spent so much time in Morgantown alone, but I didn’t have anywhere to go, or the desire to go anywhere I should say. So the aloneness isn’t new. But the activity is. The ease with which I share things with people, and how open I am- that’s new. It’s like, by only living here for 13 weeks, I have nothing to lose. So why not go ahead and put my whole self out there. Nothing to lose. There’s a freedom in being alone; a freedom in knowing I’ll be moving on soon. It’s bringing out a confidence that I knew I was capable of.
So Boris and I are pretty happy. I thought it might be hard to feel "at home" someplace where I didn't have my belongings, a new place with loaner furniture and all. But it's been surprisingly easy. Hasn't even been 2 weeks and I already feel it. Boris certainly does- that's him enjoying his new patio. Notice the grin on his face- he's loving being a Florida dog.
I love you, sis, and I'm proud of you!